Though I have stood weekly at a vigil for the last five years, been in several marches, and even participated in civil disobedience, I have never had the opportunity to do direct action in an intentionally Christian witness. This has been an experience like no other, right up there in power and importance with my experience of getting married, or giving birth to my son. I felt as if I was at the birth of a new movement, one of such moral force that it will grow and grow. As we reclaim our beautiful, injured, co-opted religion, we find our true prophetic voices.
Although only two of us from our tiny church participated physically in the action, our personal cloud of witnesses were the individuals in our congregation who supported us financially and emotionally as we made this journey of faith. They are finding their voice as well.
Khristine Hopkins attends St. Mary of the Harbor Episcopal Church in Provincetown, Mass.
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