Sojourners Magazine: June 2018
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In this issue, Niki Wong explains how the demand for fossil fuels has created "sacrifice zones," including her own LA neighborhood. In wealthier, whiter neighhborhoods with active drill sites, regulations protect residents from the noise, smell, and chemical exposure. But in neighborhoods like Wong's—predominantly people of color living in poverty—few regulations were in place. So together with Redeemer Community Partnership, Wong and other people of faith are fighting back.
Cover Story
Niki Wong leads a community of resistance to urban fracking in Los Angeles.
How witnessing Samson's renaming ceremony changed my church.
In a D.C. suburb, pastors work to build trust—and accountability—with local police. But does it work?
Practicing Sabbath can create space to engage in the 'holy work of mending the world.'
By refusing to give up, West Virginia teachers won a five percent raise—for all state employees.
Christians in South Sudan opt for nonviolent resistance to government oppression.
Culture Watch
Urban Doxology uses the language of worship to reimagine community.
The Violence of Climate Change: Lessons of Resistance from Nonviolent Activists, by Kevin J. O’Brien. Georgetown University Press.
Breaking White Supremacy: Martin Luther King Jr. and the Black Social Gospel, by Gary Dorrien. Yale University Press.
Love Undocumented: Risking Trust in a Fearful World, by Sarah Quezada. Herald Press.
A new book explains how we arrived at the era of populist billionaires.
Russell and Kramer made a film about what happens when societies build themselves on lies.
We cannot afford to abandon the rites and rhythms that sustain us.
On a continent increasingly beset by climate-caused drought and flood, beavers couldn't be more important.
The future of the nation's soul and the integrity of faith are both at stake.
It was a clear continuation of the Civil War.