This is perhaps as critical an event as any we have helped to organize. The campaign is called Stand for Truth: From Pentecost to Soweto, and through it we hope to involve thousands of concerned persons of faith across the nation to help end U.S. support of the apartheid regime in South Africa. It is both exciting and urgent, challenging and necessary.
After the bombing of Khotso House in Johannesburg last August (see "The House of Peace," Sojourners, November 1988), and in response to an urgent appeal from the South African churches for worldwide action and support, the South Africa Crisis Coordinating Committee was formed in the United States. Participants include representatives from mainline Protestant denominations, the historic black churches, the U. S. Catholic Conference, many evangelicals, and others. From this base, we hope to involve all of the churches and major anti-apartheid groups across the country to form a massive mobilization for a campaign that will launch a lasting movement in our land.
The campaign has several elements. Building upon our past successes with Peace Pentecost events, we will begin this campaign on Pentecost Sunday, May 14, 1989. We are encouraging local churches to focus their worship services on our spiritual union with the suffering churches in South Africa. Just as the birth of the church was made possible by the powerful in-breaking of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost, we hope to see a rebirth of conscience in our land built upon that "blessed tie that binds."
After each worship service, nonviolent marches, vigils, and actions will be held in each city or town. These public witnesses, held at symbolically significant facilities and sites related to South Africa or U.S. policy toward the Pretoria government, will help to galvanize local attention and prepare congregations to ready themselves for further action.
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