Both churches described in the March 2010 article, How To… Green Your Church have found showing videos is a great way to energize your congregation about God’s call to care for the environment! Here are some tips and practical suggestions:
Suggestions from Rev. Paul Burks of Christ Church Santa Rosa in Santa Rosa, California (who was also the editor of EarthLight: Magazine of Spirituality and Ecology for seven years):
Keeping the Earth: Religious and Scientific Perspectives on the Environment: 27-min DVD by the Union of ConcernedScientists and the NationalReligious Partnership for the Environment. Narrated by James EarlJones. Excellent resource for adults, home, and congregations; biblicallyrooted (Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish).
A Sense of Place: What is the Appropriate Relationship Between Humans and the Whole Living System? 1994, 28-min. DVD narrated by Susan Sarandon. Speakers are PaulWinter, Kirkpatrick Sale, John and Nancy Todd, andJeff Bercuvitz. They address the sense of connectedness to the web of lifeto find solutions to our human problems.