Sojourners Magazine: March 2016
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What does it mean to baptize a daughter into “a communion that in insidious ways is going to teach her that as a girl she matters less?” asks Natalie Wigg-Stevenson in our cover story. And what kind of hope do Jesus' words offer us as we sift through a tradition that is still scarred by patriarchal theology? Read one Christian feminist wrestle with what it means to be both a parent and co-disciple.
Cover Story
The baptism liturgy struck me as the epitome of patriarchal religion. But Jesus' words gave me hope for a feminist reinterpretation.
Your retirement plan may be supporting mass incarceration. But socially conscious investors are trying to change that.
When Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount, it was a chance to outline a blueprint for living.
Members of the early church shared everything they had 'in common.' Is there a lesson in that for us today?
The climate change conference was an important step, but progress will be marked by actions, not words.
How Australians decided that gun ownership should become marginal, not mainstream.
New megaregional trade deals are lighting up the global economy- and justice movements for labor rights are mirroring them.
Has the plow destroyed more options for future generations than the sword?
Culture Watch
An off-Broadway play- a "kind of sermon"- portrays a crisis of faith.
Joan Chittister: Her Journey From Certainty to Faith, by Tom Roberts. Orbis
Asking for it: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture- and What We Can Do About It, by Kate Harding. Da Capo Press.
From Writing My Wrongs: Life, Death, and Redemption in an American Prison, copyright 2016 by Shaka Senghor. Published by Covergent Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LCC.
Reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle C
One of the most poignant moments was their tearful goodbye with their evangelical Christian neighbors.