THANK YOU FOR focusing on the role of money in the American political system ("To the Highest Bidder: Stopping the Sellout of Democracy Before It's Too Late," November-December 1995). This corrupting influence moves power from the people to those individuals and organizations that have the resources to contribute massive amounts of money to candidates who are likely to give more attention to their points of view. Perhaps the most troublesome aspect of the role of money in politics is its influence over every other issue faced by our elected officials-welfare, education, arms control, and any other issue one could name.
I was surprised, however, that Sojourners neglected to direct readers interested in this issue to Common Cause, an organization of more than a quarter of a million members. The corrupting role of money in politics and the need for campaign finance reform have been the focus of this organization for its more than 25-year history. As a long-time member of this non-partisan group, I encourage others to get involved with this effective voice for reform.
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