I was disheartened, however, to see that part of the renovation effort included a regrettable step backward in taste. A house ad for subscriptions featured an empty roll of toilet paper with the caption "Need more?" At the very least, readers like me are puzzled as to why a magazine of "faith, politics, and culture" would invoke such images in its pages, while simultaneously decrying the decline of decency in our media culture. If such an ad appeared in Esquire or Cosmo, I would be disturbed, but not surprised. When it appeared in Sojourners, I was both.
I love your magazine and look forward to each issue, but I sincerely hope that "new Sojo" is not jumping on the hipper-than-thou bandwagon at the expense of the values that it has advocated for the last 30 years.
Chris Pieper
Austin, Texas
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