Sojourners Magazine: May 1981
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Cover Story
I've been affected in a very hostile way by the events here; the news media seem to be more concerned about writing and showing news about the murdered children than about the effect on the family members and friends.
The wonderful world of Washington has been hurling rocks of assorted varieties through the windows of our minds these days.
The ribbons began appearing months ago. Green, red, and black badges of solidarity are now everywhere in our neighborhood and in all black neighborhoods of Washington, D.C. The reason: Atlanta.
For a few days recently President Reagan's budget-cutting plan and the war in El Salvador were edged out of the headlines
Dayshift is terrible if you don't have nobody to pick up your children. You tell them to call you at work when they get home. Or you call home when they suppose to be there. If your boss will let you. An Atlanta mother, interviewed March 1, 1981