Victory Songs and Fish Fries | Sojourners

Victory Songs and Fish Fries

Resist reading these lectionary reflections without first reading the biblical text. These reflections are precisely that: thoughts and questions mirrored from the text. Without knowledge of the text, these reflections are almost meaningless. They are provided, not as a substitute for Bible study, but as aids in Bible study. Sojourners encourages the formation of groups around these lectionary Bible studies.

May 3: Resurrection Flashes

Acts 9:1-20, Revelation 5:11-14, John 21:1-19

With what tone of voice do you imagine Peter saying, "I'm going fishing"? Why, after all that happened to them in Jerusalem, are the disciples back fishing? Why don't they recognize Jesus? This theme of non-recognition appears repeatedly (Matthew 28:17; Luke 24:13-35; 36-43; John 20:14-16). How do they know it's Jesus if they are unable to recognize him?

In Luke 5, a miraculous catch of fish rocks Peter into discipleship. In John, by contrast, it reconfirms resurrection to be, not a single eruption of eternity into time, but a series of epiphanies. These transcendental flashes in the darkness of our world do not provide a steady diet, but only an occasional fish fry by the seashore. The theophanic events of 1989-90, when every-other-day's headlines shouted the glory of God, yield to the gloom of anarchy and economic collapse in formerly communist countries and depression at home. Those flashes will have to last us for some time, just as memory of the Exodus has fired Jewish hope these 3,000 years.

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Sojourners Magazine May 1992
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