- Saying that he is "back and ready to do battle" with the "radical homosexuals, abortionists, feminists, humanists, New Agers, etc. -- who oppose traditional values," Jerry Falwell is raising funds to reactivate the Moral Majority. Falwell wrote in a fund-raising letter, "God has called me to use television to call America to national repentance."
- The National Coalition on Television Violence reported in February that the rate of violence on TV increased again last year. The Fox network led the pack with an average of 11 violent acts per hour. The study found that murder occurs once every 78 minutes in prime time.
- The Sun Oil Co. (Sunoco) announced in February its signing of the Valdez principles, now known as the CERES principles (for the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies). Sun Oil, the first Fortune 500 firm to agree to follow the voluntary environmental guidelines, negotiated the signing with leaders of the Interfaith Center for Corporate Responsibility.
- The third U.S. Women-Church conference, scheduled in Albuquerque April 16-18, will address topics including clergy abuse of women, sexuality and homophobia, racism in religion and the women's movement, women and AIDS, domestic violence, and the exclusion of women from religious ministry. More than 2,200 women (and a few men) are expected to attend.
- Sane/Freeze announced in January that it is changing its name to PeaceAction.
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