[Regarding "Rocking the Boat," by Rose Marie Berger, March 2007] I have no calling to the priesthood, but I know some women who certainly seem to. They would be wonderful priests for the simple reason that they see the calling as one of service.
I am convinced that when the priesthood is envisioned and used as one of service and not of power, control, authority, and prestige, it will quickly be opened to women. Wherever there is service to be performed, there women will be. Ask any volunteer organization and it will tell you that women volunteers exceed men volunteers, sometimes as much as 10 to one. Does this mean that women are more generous? That women see their role as serving rather than controlling? I am not sure, but I am sure that the call to service is what Jesus meant for his followers. He said so clearly and practiced it in his own life.
Lucy Fuchs
Brandon, Florida
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