• Write your members of Congress to demand that they not renew the president's "fast track" authority on trade agreements, which ties Congress's hands by allowing it only to approve or reject trade agreements, not amend them. Fast track will expire this June unless it's reauthorized.
• Ask Congress to direct the U.S. Trade Representative's office to give antipoverty, environmental, and religious groups at least as much access to trade negotiations as corporations have; also ask it to commission impact reports of how any proposed trade agreement will affect the poor, women, and the environment, in the U.S. and abroad.
• Ask Congress to move its supervision of the U.S. Trade Representative from the overworked people who are doing it now (the Senate Finance Committee and House Ways and Means Committee) to a select committee on globalization—one whose members bring expertise in poverty fighting, the global AIDS crisis, equity for women, labor rights, and the environment.
• Write a letter to your local newspaper when it misuses the term "free trade" and parrots the market-fundamentalist party line.