1) As a citizen:
Join the trade justice movement
Go to the "get involved" or "take action" links on the following Web sites:
- U.S. Interfaith Trade Justice Campaign www.tradejusticeusa.org
- Global Exchange www.globalexchange.org
- United Students for Fair Trade www.usft.org
- Student Trade and Justice Campaign www.globaljusticenow.org (click on calendar)
- Oxfam www.oxfamamerica.org (search "make trade fair")
Bring trade justice issues to church
Share and discuss faith-based resources, incorporate trade justice issues into worship services, and move your congregation to action both inside and outside the church walls.
- Christian Aid has a variety of good material: Click on "campaigns," then "trade justice." www.christian-aid.org
- Trade Justice: a Christian response to global poverty is a stellar 48-page book available in bookstores or downloadable for free. www.cofe.anglican.org/info/papers/tradejustice.pdf
- Church World Service has trade worship resources in English and Spanish: Click on "Peace & Justice," then "Resources." www.churchworldservice.org
2) As a consumer:
Practice buying conscientiously
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