Whether you’re a die-hard “greenie” or someone just trying to keep up with the issues, there’s a blizzard of books out there that address the perils our planet is facing. In previous issues, we’ve highlighted The Green Collar Economy, by Van Jones, which examines how a “Green New Deal” can address economic inequality and environmental devastation, and Bill McKibben’s Deep Economy, which urges us to create localized economies that are sustainable and community-oriented. Here are others to check out.
Soil Not Oil: Environmental Justice in an Age of Climate Crisis, by Vandana Shiva. Environmental, economic, and agricultural degradation are deeply connected—industrial agricultural practices not only destroy the environment, but actually cause hunger and poverty. Shiva says we must return to local economies and small-scale food production, and provides examples of how we can use agricultural principles to build a sustainable, just society. (South End Press)
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