Sojourners Magazine: May 2019
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Our Enlightenment-bound Western worldview has distorted our relationship with the earth, divorcing spirit from land, soul from body, the mind from the material. But Jesus didn’t think about the world this way, writes Randy Woodley in this issue. “He thought more like today’s premodern Indigenous people.”
Cover Story
Reading the resurrection with those who have served time.
A church in that nation’s capital uncovers its white supremacist roots.
How a right-wing Pentecostal media empire won the Brazilian presidency.
Culture Watch
A play gains new significance in a grieving city during troubled times.
A review of ‘What You Have Heard is True: A Memoir of Witness and Resistance,’ by Carolyn Forché.
A review of ‘Becoming a Just Church: Cultivating Communities of God’s Shalom,’ by Adam L. Gustine.
A review of ‘Holy Envy: Finding God in the Faith of Others,’ by Barbara Brown Taylor.
Baby Boomers are leaving the world worse than how they found it. Young people are fixing the problem.
The midterms spurred new discussions on healthcare and climate change. Now, we must act.