Resources for Study and Action | Sojourners

Resources for Study and Action


June 1 is the second annual Stand For Children Day organized by the Children’s Defense Fund. At last year’s event, nearly 300,000 people gathered in Washington, D.C., and thousands others participated in local events. As honorary co-chair Mrs. Rosa Parks says, "If I could sit down for justice, you can stand up for children!"

In the United States, 10 million children (90 percent of whom are in working families) lack health insurance. This year’s Stand For Children focuses on fostering healthy children, emphasizing health coverage and community conditions. Events are planned in all 50 states, including those organized by 170 Children’s Action Teams (CATs). May 25-June 7, visit the Virtual Stand For Children at and sign a petition for healthy children.

Write Stand For Children, 1834 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20009 (e-mail: tellstand@stand. org) for an organizer’s kit, information about events in your community, or guidance on forming a CAT, or call 1-800-663-4032.


How do we teach our children about topics like justice, nonviolence, simple living, and the role of women in our society? Here are some unique ideas.

Manna and Mercy is a wonderful, cleverly illustrated 93-page storybook whose author, Daniel Erlander, said he was inspired by years of reading Sojourners. Designed for ages 12 and up, it tells biblical stories in 16 chapters and stresses themes of mercy, peace, inclusiveness, and the place of creation. Order from Daniel Erlander, P.O. Box 1059, Freeland, WA 98249; (360) 331-4066. Cost is $8 each for one to four copies, $6.50 each for five or more, postage paid.

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Sojourners Magazine May-June 1997
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