- Christians for Peace in El Salvador (CRISPAZ) seeks volunteers to live in community and work for social justice. Short- and long-term placements include health care, literacy, music, agriculture, youth programs, and womens projects. Volunteers must raise their own financial support. Contact CRISPAZ, 1135 Mission Road, San Antonio, TX 78210; (210) 534-6996; fax: (210) 534-4995; crispaz @igc.apc.org.
- Providence House, providing temporary shelter to women and children in crisis, seeks one- and two-year volunteers to live as part of a core community in one of the six residences in Brooklyn, Queens, and Westchester counties. Room, board, insurance, and stipend are provided. Contact S. Janet Kinney, P.O. Box 210529, Brooklyn, NY 11221; (718) 455-0197.
- Volunteers for Peace, a non-profit organization promoting international workcamps in 70 countries, seeks volunteers for short-term community service projects. Contact VFP International Workcamps, 43 Tiffany Road, Belmont, VT 05730; (802) 259-2759; fax: (802) 259-2922; vfp@vfp.org.
- A non-profit human service organization seeks an executive director with proven management and communication skills as well as fund-raising experience and corporate contacts. Position includes a $35,000-$40,000 salary and benefits. Fax résumé to Carol, (202) 332-0599.
- Exodus World Service, a non-profit ministry with a mission to mobilize Christian volunteers in service to refugee families, seeks an executive director. The position includes strategic planning, board relations, fund raising, and development as well as overall administration of the organization. Send résumés to Wayne Mitchell, EWS, P.O. Box 620, Itasca, IL 60143-0620.
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