Employment Opportunities
Logos Academy—a young, growing elementary school in York, Pa.—seeks a principal to equip and lead teachers in transforming an urban population via a classical approach to Christ-centered education. Also seeking teachers committed to high academic and behavior standards with a passion for urban education. Contact Traci Foster, (717) 846-4448; traci.foster@logosyork.org.
Volunteer Opportunities
RE-MEMBER, a nonprofit, faith-based organization serving the Oglala Lakota Indians on Pine Ridge Reservation, seeks interns to coordinate weekly volunteer groups, lead work crews, provide cultural and spiritual experiences, maintain facilities, and develop community relationships. Positions are available June to September for one to three months. Room and board are provided. Contact RE-MEMBER, 13065, 136th Ave., Grand Haven, MI 49417; (616) 844-4233; remember@novagate.com; www.re-member.org.
Retreats and Conferences
Christian Community Health Fellowship hosts its annual conference, "Faith Making a Difference: Improving Health Care and Access for the Underserved," May 16-19 at Eastern University, St. Davids, Pa. Contact CCHF, (773) 843-2700; cchf@cchf.org; www.cchf.org.
Ministry of Money sponsors "From Mammon to Manna: Embracing the Spiritual Disciplines of Sabbath Economics," May 17-19, in Germantown, Md., with theologian Ched Myers. $250 fee includes lodging and meals. Contact the Ministry of Money, (301) 428-9650; office@ministryofmoney.org.
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