McDonald's 29,000 restaurants in 120 countries make it the largest fast food franchise in the $112 billion-a-year industry. "Glocalization" is when a global corporate giant attempts to appear like a locally owned business. Here are a few things to ponder with your fries.
Astérix (the Gallic comic hero who fought Roman occupiers) is replacing Ronald McDonald as McDonald's new French mascot.
McDonald's is selling its Aroma coffee bars for half the original cost because it no longer fits its "meal-occasion strategy."
No two countries with McDonald's franchises have ever gone to war.
Houston's Brentwood Baptist is the first church in the nation to have a McDonald's franchise on its grounds.
A British McDonald's ad claims there are 40,312 possible purchase combinations of its eight products. (You do the math.)
Sources: The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Fast Food Nation, BBC, The Guardian,
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