It's ironic that peace often brings strife. In November 2002, Dana Schmucker wrote to the editor of The Goshen [Indiana] News to say that she was sick and tired of the "local pacifist rhetoric" and the lack of support she felt for her son, who is a U.S. soldier serving in Afghanistan. A day later, Schmucker received a call from local pacifist and Goshen College peace and conflict studies professor Carolyn Schrock-Shenk asking if the two women could meet. Over coffee they learned that both are mothers of sons; both share religious connections; both want peace. They decided to write another letter to The Goshen Newsthis time from both of them. "I will respect and understand in a new way, those who want to prevent this war," said Schmucker. "I would ask them to remember our sons and daughters who are trying to do the right thing and who are risking their lives to do so."
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