What Do You Believe? American Teenagers, Spirituality, and Freedom of Religion is a 50-minute film that profiles the diverse faith experiences of 26 young people as they ponder the meaning of life and their religious beliefs. The film comes with an interactive study guide from New Day Films. 1-888-367-9154; www.newday.com
To Such as These: Songs and Lullabies for Children of the World is a CD released by the Canadian office of the Mennonite Central Committee to benefit children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and provide health education. 1-888-622-6337; www.mcc.org/ alberta/tosuchasthese
Ethics for a Small Planet: A Communications Handbook on the Ethical and Theological Reasons for Protecting Biodiversity helps wade through the ethical and religious frameworks of biodiversity issues and promotes the practice of an environmentally conscious lifestyle. (608) 250-9876; www.biodiversityproject.org
If you want to know what happened to the financial well-being of the average American in the past decade, pick up the Economic Policy Institute's very thorough new study The State of Working America 2002-03. It's available from Cornell University Press. www.epinet.org/books/swa2002
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