Sojourners Magazine: November 1994
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Cover Story
On a cold, piney evening last November on the Day of the Dead, residents of the Guatemalan town of Santiago were holding a night-long vigil in the town cemetery.
This radical Jesus, this social gospel, this promise of
liberation are always and forever in the back of my mind.
I grew up in rural Mississippi, a black girl who lived
"out in the booneys," fairly isolated from peers
outside school.
To be a married couple in our 20s and Christian means
exploring options and making choices for our future together. One
of these choices is a commitment to intentional community.
Bitter and burnt-out is a wonderful way to gain a new outlook on life.
The majority of Generation X Latinos perceive that our faith
sects (both Catholic and Protestant) have little to say about the
issues that affect us most: technology-induced future shock, a
When I first heard the phrase "Generation X," I thought it was in reference to a new generation of black youth who were moved to thought, dialogue, and action...
Faith is for me a mix of intellect straining to understand
God, my senses, and what Van Morrison calls "the
inarticulate speech of the heart." Music, the water and
mountains of my Puget Sound ho
We all need, even crave, a way to make sense of our lives
and to bring unity to our daily existence.
I have grown weary of the stereotypes and false representation of my generation—a generation that (believe it or not) gives me great hope.
I think our ability to trust blindly has been forever
Permeated by its own brand of consumerism, church-ianity force-feeds me a conditional message, requiring my allegiance to authority and beliefs, and masks it all as "faith."
"Peace is our Profession" proclaims the billboard at
the gate of the Air Force base where I was born in 1966.
Sometimes I feel as though I do not have time for God. In some
ways, this is the legacy that has been passed on to my
Across the country, the Religious Right has showed its strength in a remarkable series of recent victories.
The Christian Right makes its bid for the political mainstream.
MINNEAPOLIS-An early hint of the Christian Right's resurgence
in electoral politics came in the Minnesota spring caucuses.
The occupation of Haiti marks a new, hopeful era in U.S. relations with our neighbors in this hemisphere, signaling the birth of the "Clinton Doctrine"...
Our faith has to be alive and light fires within our confused and fragile hearts or it is as meaningless as yesterday’s E-mail.
A tense, cautious hope for a peaceful future in Northern Ireland emerged with the cease-fire called on August 31 by the Irish Republican Army...
The real story at the U.N. conference on population and development in Cairo this fall was the unprecedented emphasis on the empowerment of women.
"And so the disciples returned to their own
homes..." John 20:10
It started with the kind of silence that makes a parent sit bolt upright in his bed; an unnatural awakening, a feeling of something wrong.
Someday I would like to see a cranberry harvest: crimson fruit floating
on flooded coastal fields, skimmed off like a school of tropical
What if, in front of the whole world, the U.S. pledged unequivocal U.S. support for the restoration of democracy in Haiti?
Culture Watch
I TOO SEE THE South African experience of the last months as
cause for great celebration and hope.
THANK YOU SO much for the fantastic commentary on East Timor by Aaron Gallegos ("A Light on East Timor," September-October 1994).
THE AUGUST 1994 commentary by Jim Rice, "Too Many People?" accuses the Roman Catholic Church of opposing all forms of family planning. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I’M VERY EXCITED about the two superb cover articles in your July 1994 issue by Rosemary Radford Ruether ("Why I Stay in the Church") and Richard Rohr, O.F.M. ("Holy Fools")!
I WRITE TO OFFER comfort and encouragement to Jonathan R. Anderson, whose thoughts in the "Close to Home" column struck a deep and resonant chord with my own experience.
THE "CLOSE TO HOME" column, August 1994, by Marybeth
Shea, touched a chord in an old memory of mine.
For many religious peace and justice organizations, the invited invasion of Haiti has posed a dilemma: a clash between the commitment to nonviolence and the hunger for justice.
WE ALL SHOULD be grateful for the August 1994 issue ("Too Many People?") ad-dressing the problems of overpopulation, overconsumption, and overuse of the planet.
An ad hoc group of Sojourners staffers in their 20s spent many long afternoon meetings brainstorming, arguing, shuffling through essays, and wrangling toward consensus to produce our cover feature...
ALAN THEIN DURNING’S article, "Consumption" (August 1994) touches on one of the great challenges facing our society, and each of us individually.