An Unsettling God: The Heart of the Hebrew Bible, by Walter Brueggemann. Old Testament scholar Brueggemann plays out in detail the tension in the Hebrew scriptures between a feral God who wants relationship (but not domestication) and the people of God who want a static deity, a "king." The peoples' tendency toward settledness and a desire to "go it alone" lead to systems of defeat that can only be overturned by a dynamic agency outside those systems. This is deep biblical exploration from one of our leading scholars. Fortress Press
The Peoples' Companion to the Bible, edited by Curtiss Paul DeYoung, Wilda C. Gafney, Leticia A. Guardiola-Sáenz, George Tinker, and Frank M. Yamada. Following the success of The Peoples’ Bible, this Companion textbook enables students to learn how social location contributes to scriptural interpretation. With 60 contributors writing on all the books of the Bible from Native-American, African-American, Latino/a, Asian-American and Euro-American cultural perspectives, this collection is a primer on the cultural gumbo in which the texts originally were written and to which they will speak in the mid-21st century, when more than 50 percent of the U.S. population will be of non-European descent. Fortress Press
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