Becoming a Poll Worker Is One Way To Show Hospitality | Sojourners


A poll worker collects mail-in ballots for the New Jersey primary election in June.

Photo by Gary Hershorn / Getty Images

Becoming a Poll Worker Is One Way To Show Hospitality

Christian leaders in our politics must be committed to the truth.
By Chris Crawford

POLL WORKERS ARE everyday people, who are well trained in the process, who step up and serve their communities. Poll workers and election officials at all different polling locations have very strict guidelines on how to handle the equipment and the ballots. You can see these people, in real time, handling these things effectively and following the rules.

Both as a democracy advocate and as a Christian, I put a big value on honesty and on the truth. A democracy needs well-informed people who understand what the truth is, and we need leaders who make decisions based on the truth.

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A rosary, an open-faced locket, a flip-flop, a used water bottle, and a dying flower lying abandoned in the dirt.
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A man in a suit and tie with short hair and glases.

Chris Crawford is a policy strategist on free and fair elections at Protect Democracy.

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