You can get so used to seeing something that you forget to question why it is there. This is often the case with the role of money in the American political system. This special issue of Sojourners is our attempt to look with new eyes at how money fuels our government and saps our democracy. We don't feel that the deal is closed on our political system. But it will take active engagement, and a recommitment to the value and worth of democracy, to relaim the right to a government that is by and for the people. We extend our thands to the Florence and John Schumann Foundation, whose support made this special issue possible (including the use of color ink). We also offer special thanks to Randy Kehler, a member of the Working Group on Electoral Democracy and longtime friend of Sojourners, who offered advice, assistance, and encouragement along the way. His passion for the work to counter the negative effects of money in politics is an inspiration. For many years, Sojourners has chosen the Advent and Christmas seasonswhen we anticipate and celebrate Jesus coming among us as a human beingas an opportunity to focus on people or communities that have especially incarnated come of God's gifts and promise in our world. This year our "incarnation" subject is Daniel Berrigan. Daniel is a committed activist, interpreter of scripture, free spirit, good friend, and servant to truth and humanity.
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