Listed below are several of the organizations mentioned in this special package on money and politics, as well as some books that pertain to this topic. A more comprehensive list of national and regional organizations addressing these issues is available from the Center for Responsive Politics; a description of the center's work, resources, and contact information appears in Seeds.
Other organizations profiled elsewhere in this issue include Michigan Citizen Action, Missouri Progressive Vote Coalition and Missouri Citizen Education Fund, Washington Citizen Action, and the Working Group on Electoral Democracy.
Center for Living Democracy
RR #1, Black Fox Road
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 254-1234; fax (802) 254-1227
- The Center for Living Democracy was founded in 1990 to help educate the public about the potential for democratic renewal. The center's projects include the American News Service, providing the media with leads and stories to convey news and analyses of citizen-led initiatives. The center collects and disseminates a wide array of "learning tools"-handbooks, reports, tapes, pamphlets, and similar materials-offering practical guidance to citizens seeking to solve problems in their own communities. The center also facilitates workshops.
Citizen Action
1730 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Suite 403
Washington, DC 20036
(202) 775-1580; fax (202) 296-4054
- Citizen Action is a nationwide membership organization with three million members in 33 states. The organization works for public financing of elections at the national, state, and local levels. It also publishes research on the connections between campaign contributions and public policy, including reports on
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