THERE WERE TIMES in the past 25 years when we weren't sure we'd make it this far-a quarter century is a long time in the precarious world of small nonprofit magazines. But through faith, hope, and the support of many friends we are with this issue launching our second 25 years.
To help commemorate the milestone, we've put together this sampler that addresses issues, movements, and principles that have been central to our work over the years-many of which still are. It's certainly not intended to be a comprehensive compilation of the "best" or most significant writing we've published, and some things-for example, reviews-are absent.
While the principles haven't changed, some things have evolved with the times (as we hope all of us have). For instance, in the 1970s the (mostly male) writers used male imagery and terms for God and for people. While some of the language and specifics of the issues seem dated (as may some of these headlines from the original articles), we feel these excerpts still have something to say to us as we begin the next 25 years. -The Editors
What is the People's Christian Coalition? WE ARE PEOPLE who just a year ago began meeting together, attracted by our mutual rejection of the permeating American ethos and our mutual belief that the alternative lays somewhere in radical obedience to Jesus Christ....
We dedicate ourselves to no ideology, government, or system, but to active obedience to our Lord and His Kingdom, and to sacrificial service to the people for whom He died.
-THE EDITORS, Fall 1971, Vol. 1, No. 1
The "People's Christian Coalition" was the formal name chosen by students who came together to produce the first issue of The Post-American, predecessor of Sojourners.
Jesus Was No Chauvinist!
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