The ministries associated with Washington, D.C.'s Church of the Saviour are so numerous it's hard to keep track of them. In its 50 years, Church of the Saviour has birthed nine faith communities and a myriad of accompanying missions, some of which we've profiled in these pages in the past.
The ministries include Potter's House, where Jim Wallis conducted this interview, opened as a coffeehouse on Columbia Road NW nearly 40 years ago; right next door is Columbia Road Health Services, a street clinic primarily serving the Latino community. Across the street is Christ House, a 34-bed medical facility for homeless people. Christ House gave birth to Joseph's House, for men with AIDS, which in turn gave birth to Miriam's House, for women and children with AIDS. And Kairos House is for people from Christ House who are ready for individual living.
In addition, Jubilee Housing provides housing for low-income people by renovating apartment buildings, and Jubilee Jobs is a training and job placement service. Samaritan Inns, Lazarus House, and Tabitha's House are a network of extended-term facilities for those recovering from addiction. The Servant Leadership School is modeled after Dietrich Bonhoeffer's underground seminary, running a full array of discipleship training classes, and is located in the Festival Center. The Ministry of Money provides information and teaching on stewardship issues, including reverse mission trips. Dayspring Farm and Wellspring Retreat Center are located about 30 miles outside of Washington, D.C.
All of this activity-staffed and supported by countless faithful and dedicated people-is inspired by the lives and witness of Mary and Gordon Cosby. We offer this interview as this year's incarnation focus, for surely they are evidence of God with us. -The Editors
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