As we wrapped up this issue, summer was taking its final stroll into autumn. But like many people, we've been focusing for some time on the fall and the very important Election Day we're facing. Several staff members worked to create a nonpartisan compilation of "election year gear." This resource is meant to help churches and other groups generate thoughtful dialogue on contentious issues and encourage people of faith to get out the vote. We also offer a practical list of "10 things to do before the election" in our Commentary section.
In another part of our building, our sister organization Call to Renewal has been planning a "Rolling to Overcome Poverty" bus tour Oct. 6 to 17. Marches, rallies, worship services, clergy breakfasts, and candidate forums will highlight local anti-poverty work and concerns in several cities in six states.
Of course, in the middle of all this, we still put together a magazine. This month we wrestle with the power of fear and celebrate hope straight from Tupelo, Mississippi. We offer paintings from Colombia and singing from Maryland waterways. And as always, we look at both current events and ancient scripture. We hope you enjoy it.
And hang in there - the campaign commercials will be gone in just a few weeks.
- The Editors
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