The age of the wimpy liberal is over.
If you should doubt that fact, drive over to your local bookstore and take a look at the titles crowding spine-to-spine in the displays of newly released or best-selling books. Where once Bill OReilly and Ann Coulter dominated key real estate on the shelves, you can now find The Lies of George W. Bush; Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right; Stand Up Fight Back; Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush; and Bush Must Go, to name just a few. In movie theaters, Michael Moores Fahrenheit 9/11 is on track to become the highest-grossing documentary ever, breaking the record set by Moores previous film, Bowling for Columbine, and matching the success of his books Stupid White Men and Dude, Wheres My Country? Over in the previously conservative-dominated world of talk radio, the liberal Air America network has found a niche and an audience, beating out Rush Limbaughs show for listeners in New York City.
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