AS I READ the July-August issue I note with gratitude and not a little longing the leaving of two Sojourners' torch-bearers. I add my farewell to Joe Roos and Joyce Hollyday. But it is a farewell that also welcomes you into the extended Sojourners diaspora community.
Even from this distance, I miss you already, Joe. Knowing that you were there as publisher inspired my confidence in the Sojourners' vision. Your gentle joyful spirit and guiding wisdom did as much as anyone to ensure a continued Sojourners magazine, movement, and community. This was as true in times of struggle and stretching as in times of smooth sailing!
Joyce, you have an amazing artistry for turning words into image and inspiration for an alternative vision of church and society rooted in Jesus Christ.
Thanks to both of you for all you are and have given to the Sojourners movement. As you travel on may you be blessed and be a blessing as you have been for so many years in your Sojourners' life.
Jim, you are right, "The One Constant is Change" ("Hearts & Minds") for Sojourners and for all of us touching and being touched by Sojourners. Ever since the community moved to Washington, I have called you my "home away from home." I treasure the many times you have offered hospitality to this stranger. Just last week, as I shared some of my story rooted in the Sojourners story, I felt a deep longing to "come home" and spend some time with you again. Whether or not that happens anytime soon, I know that "we are one in the Spirit"! The peace of Christ be with you always.
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