- Planning a stint in the federal pen? Don't leave home without Clare Hanrahan's Jailed for Justice: A Woman's Guide to Federal Prison Camp. This 150-page book covers prison rights, food, violence, spiritual life, health services, and more inside the federal prison system. Available for $12 from Celtic Wordcraft, PO Box 7641, Asheville, NC 28802 or e-mail chanrahan@ncpress.net.
- Build a Better World II is the latest installment in Church World Service's curriculum for children. Each of the four parts features the story of a child assisted by CWS, plus a related Bible study, hands-on activities, and reproducible take-home sheets. No charge for the first 10 copies. Call 1-800-297-1516 ext. 222 to order (item # ED 0305).
- How can you not love a CD that spotlights a collaboration between Pete Seeger and DJ Spooky? Peace Not War is a double disc featuring a wide range of genres and artists. The album is available in bulk for grassroots peace organizations to use as a fund-raiser. www.peace-not-war.org; (916) 641-8900
- No Place to Go is a new film from Peace Way Foundation, made in cooperation with musician Peter Gabriel's Witness Productions. The 14-minute video addresses "internally displaced persons" in Burma through eyewitness accounts and a critique of the human rights violations caused by military operations. Visit www.witness.org for a copy.
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