I just finished the book tour for Gods Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesnt Get It. From the first week, book signings turned into town meetings and book store events into revivals. We toured for 21 weeks, traveling to 48 cities, doing 85 events, speaking face-to-face to almost 75,000 people, and reaching millions more through hundreds of interviews. A book on faith - and, even more amazingly, faith and politics - jumped to number two on Amazon its first week, and then onto the New York Times bestseller list for 15 weeks.
Right from the start, I realized something important was happening, and that it was about more than a book. Gods Politics became the right book at the right time, and revealed what was already there waiting to be expressed. Many people of faith felt their voice was not being heard in the national debate over faith and politics and found something to point to. I soon realized the large numbers of people were not just coming to hear my voice, but also to express their voice. Im still amazed how much the national conversation about faith and politics has already changed as a result.
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