Laurel Rae Mathewson's article "Lord, What Shall I Eat? How Much Should I Weigh?" (July 2007) is a good reminder about the mind/body/spirit connection and relationship. To be "whole," all parts need to be balanced and healthy. I have never conducted a survey or study, but many women I have known who struggle with eating disorders, especially obesity, have been victims of abuse—especially sexual abuse, incest, or rape.
Such abuse crushes the body, mind, and spirit, making the victim feel broken and less than the person God created her to be. As the author states, "I remembered that I was created for a higher purpose than a size 6." So, too, may we remember that all women were created by God to be valued, honored, and cherished—and may we continue to work for those whose rights and dignity have been compromised through such victimization.
Cynthia J. Strickland
Southern Pines, North Carolina
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