I read the entire July 2009 issue of Sojourners in one sitting. I haven’t been so deeply engaged in any magazine for years, and I know I read this Sojourners so thoroughly because of the new design. Sojourners literally pulled me in with its clean lines, san serifs, stunning photography, and white space. Beautiful.
The design, however, would be nothing if the text didn’t stack up, and every single column or article appealed to me, making me reflect and think. This issue won’t find its way to the recycling bin, friends. I’ll be rereading portions of it again and again as I work out how to take these many ideas and turn them into action in my community.
My favorite articles were Brian McLaren’s piece on ancient faith practices (“Everything Old is New Again”) and “What Sustains Me.” Please consider adding more articles focused on spiritual discipline—I am thirsty for guidance from progressive, intelligent tongues.
In sum, I so appreciated that this one magazine addressed my love for good writing, art, politics, sociology, and sustaining theology.
Deidre Farrington Schoolcraft, Colorado Springs, Colorado
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