Sojourners Magazine: September/October 2020
If we want people to vote, we need to talk about power — and outsmart the deliberate barriers placed in the way.
How to outsmart the deliberate barriers placed in voters’ way.
How will our ongoing traumas affect the way our kids see the world, God, and faith?
There was no original innocence; the heresy of white supremacy and its resulting sins were there from the beginning.
We are facing a moral crossroads for our nation.
The DACA decision was a temporary victory, but it does not dismantle the massive deportation machine.
The death penalty does not align with values like the sanctity of human life, individual liberty, and limited government.
Americans must vow to never relive the ongoing horror of 2020.
Revisiting my entangled and complicit family history.
How the coronavirus pandemic could bring more democracy to U.S. theater.
“Crime shows are propaganda for the police, telling the American psyche that we need cops to maintain order.”
A review of One Coin Found: How God’s Love Stretches to the Margins, by Emmy Kegler.
A poem.
September reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle A.
October reflections on the Revised Common Lectionary, Cycle A.
Funny business by Ed Spivey Jr.
Want Safer Schools? Remove the Police
Too many students have been dehumanized, disrespected, and criminalized by police in their schools.