A Mosaic of Missing Motherhood (a Poem)
My motherhood is not seen on TV
It's the tears and talks
behind the signs and the walks
on the evening news.
The postpartum depression
referred to as “baby blues”
And loving another mother’s child
even when they’re rude.
It’s having to be something you never wanted to be.
It's the staying, standing, and stares
behind the label "mama bear"
that ignores all the fears you have to bear.
It's trying to meet your needs
and special needs
And having no paid family medical leave.
It's raising kids in a world you don't understand
with words you don't understand
because you left the familiar to come to this land.
It's nearly dying at childbirth
for a child that has the nerve
to not even look like me.
Just like your picture of motherhood doesn't look like me
It’s not haggard and abused like Hagar
Fragile and high risk, like Elizabeth
Hiding my child from violence like Mama Moses
It’s not impoverished like the widow begging Elisha for providence
Nor dark and foreign like the mother ignored,
begging Christ for her child's deliverance.
My motherhood is nameless - to you.
Yet, the Bible says honor me - too.
But you can't honor
and keep us unseen.
Every missing complexion and condition
from your mosaic of motherhood
Needs to be celebrated
As scripture commands
Honor your …mothers
That your days may go well
and be long in the land.