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Raising Up Voices for Indigenous Justice
During my travels connecting with communities as part of an extended listening tour for Jesus Died for This?: A Satirist's Search for the Risen Christ, I hung about a bit with Mark Van Steenwyk, co-founder of Missio Dei, an anabaptist intentional community in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I was intrigued to learn about their work with the Christian Peacemakers Team (CPT), so I decided to shoot him an email to see what's in store for them during spring 2011.
Revisiting Rwanda: Finding the Truth After Genocide
Why I'm Fasting From Facebook This Lent
Showcasing Unsung Heroes in the Middle East
Come Together to Combat Torture
Looking For Light Along the Border
Paying Tribute to Global Human Trafficking Awareness Day in Style
In observance of http://www.facebook.com/pages/Human-Trafficking-Awareness-Day-Global-Obs..." target=
Snapshots from Tucson
I welcomed in the New Year in Tucson, Arizona with the kind folks of the Restoration Project
Rwanda Revisited
In the documentary Earth Made of Glass, director Deborah Scranton weaves together the stories of Rwandan President Paul Kagame and Jean Pierre Sagahutu, two men who struggled to seek the truth about what really happened in Rwanda during the 1994 genocide. How could thousands of people die every day for three months while the Western world stood silent? At the 2010 Tribeca Film Festival, Becky Garrison, author of Jesus Died for This?, sat down with Deborah Scranton (director/producer), Reid Carolin (producer), and Jean Pierre Sagahutu to dicuss how this film can shed light on a story that has gone underreported in the United States.
Becky Garrison: Why do you feel the Rwandan genocide received so little attention in 1994?
Reid Carolin: We had just come off Mogadishu [the "Black Hawk down" incident in October 1993], and that was a colossal disaster for the U.S. Some responsibility should fall on the media for generally misreporting what was actually going on in Rwanda. The real tragedy is to go back there 15 years later and look through all the reports and see what isn't true. The coverage was so poor that this story has not been understood correctly.
How the Grinches Stole 9/11 Health Care
The 12 Days of (a Grassroots) Christmas
Speaking Christian with Marcus Borg
Reel Struggles For Justice
A Proper 29 Way to Respond to the War in Iraq
Connecting with Friends Without Homes: An Interview with Ken Loyd
Budrus: It Takes a Village to Unite A People
Nicholas Kristof dubbed the film Budrus, "this year's must-see documentary," noting that the fil
Grass-Roots Practitioners, in Their Own Words
Worship Meets Experience at "The Opiate Mass"
Whenever Karen Ward, Abbess for Church of the Apostles (COTA), makes a suggestion about what's happening on the faith fringes, she tends to be spot on.
Who is My Neighbor?
At the conclusion of my blog post which asked, What Constitutes Sacred Space at Ground Zero?</