Danny Duncan Collum, author of the novel White Boy, teaches writing at Kentucky State University in Frankfort. 

Posts By This Author

An Ill Wind In Dallas

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1984

A cold and rather nasty wind is blowing through the Republican Party.

Filling Out The Vision

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1984

A new wave of political activism is sweeping through the black communities of the U.S.

What's at Stake... and What Isn't

by Danny Duncan Collum 09-01-1984

A reader's guide to the presidential election.

Under the Rainbow

by Danny Duncan Collum 08-01-1984

Jesse Jackson sought to call together a rainbow coalition.

Last Things Last

by Danny Duncan Collum 06-01-1984

For many of us, "eschatology" is one of those fancy words that theologians toss around.

Reagan's Election Crusade

by Danny Duncan Collum 04-01-1984

The ostentatiously "religious" nature of Reagan's re-election campaign has been a surprise.

A Matter of Idolatry

by Danny Duncan Collum 03-01-1984

The confrontation between the U.S. and the Soviet Union has become more tense.

A Fate Undeserved

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-1984

The result of the siege of Tripoli was the same as it had been in Beirut.

A Tottering Structure of Lies

by Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-1983

The invasion of Grenada finally gave the Reagan administration what it has been yearning for.

Breaking Through Propaganda Barricades

by Danny Duncan Collum 11-01-1983

By now the shooting down of Korean Airlines flight 007 has receded from the headlines.

A Day for Beginnings

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1983

The bus trip to downtown Washington often causes me to think of Martin Luther King, Jr.

To the Brink

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1983

The threat of first-strike nuclear weaponry in Europe.

Critical Imbalance

by Danny Duncan Collum 10-01-1983

The main product of most church conferences is a flood of documents.

Ambassador of Darkness

by Danny Duncan Collum 09-01-1983

Henry Kissinger has probably inflicted more suffering than any public official in U.S. history.

Replaying the Tragedy

by Danny Duncan Collum 08-01-1983

For many of us the thought of Vietnam brings back intense and painful memories.

Smoke Screens and Window Shades

by Danny Duncan Collum 06-01-1983

When former President Jimmy Carter first proposed the MX missile system in 1979, it consisted of 200 missiles with ten warheads each that would be shuttled among several hundred shelters along a huge racetrack in the Utah desert. 

Thank God for the Catholic Worker

by Danny Duncan Collum 05-01-1983

On May 1, 1933, in the depths of the Great Depression, the first copies of the Catholic Worker were sold (for a penny a copy, of course) at a May Day demonstration in Lower Manhattan's Union Square.

The Muddle with Middle East Policy

by Danny Duncan Collum 02-01-1983

The 97th Congress ended the last days of 1982 with an absurd flurry of filibusters, marathon sessions, and last-minute deal-making.

What Kind of Country?

by Danny Duncan Collum 01-01-1983

In this issue of Sojourners, we have reprinted Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1967 speech "Beyond Vietnam" and Vincent Harding's reflections on its significance today.

Stepping Out Into Freedom

by Danny Duncan Collum 12-01-1982

The life of Fannie Lou Hamer.