Danny Duncan Collum, author of the novel White Boy, teaches writing at Kentucky State University in Frankfort.
Posts By This Author
Prophet Of Hope For The Sick And Tired
We present Fannie Lou Hamer's story as a simple reminder that God's light of love and justice shines in the midst of the most terrible darkness.
The Message
Every summer there seems to be one song that dominates the atmosphere in our mostly black, low-income neighborhood.
No Apologetics For Apartheid
One of the first theological and pastoral issues to face the early church was that of race.
Two Rights--Many Wrongs
This past May I had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land for a week.
A Success For No One
I recently heard a retired British diplomat tell of a cable he sent years ago to a colleague at the United Nations who was embroiled in sensitive negotiations over Cyprus.
The Spring Freeze
The nuclear freeze campaign began less than two years ago as an attempt to give the peace movement a concrete, attainable political goal that would also be a genuine first step toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.
Clear Signals
Six weeks ago the Reagan administration faced one of its most embarrassing controversies
Zero Option Scores A Zero
So far President Reagan's "zero option" proposal on medium-range nuclear missiles in Europe has successfully defused the issue on this side of the Atlantic.
For most of us it was just another Thursday, but for millions of people who depend in some way on the federal government for their livelihood October 1, 1981, was Day One of the Year One for Ronald Reagan's America.
TV And The Ruckus On The Right
Every year about this time the television industry unveils a new collection of cops, clowns, sex objects, heroic doctors, and affectionate animals before an increasingly disinterested public.
The Good News In Poland
In addition to the anniversary of the Hiroshima-Nagasaki bombings, this August marks another, much happier, anniversary.
Crossing the Canyon
This country has always assumed, either openly or just beneath the surface, that people are poor because they are worthless and worthless because they are poor.
The Height Of Irresponsibility
For a few days recently President Reagan's budget-cutting plan and the war in El Salvador were edged out of the headlines