Debbie Kaminer is a professor in the department of law at the Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College (CUNY). Kaminer’s scholarship focuses on employment discrimination, religion and the law, and vaccination law.
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The Supreme Court May Soon Transform Faith in the Workplace
On April 18, the court heard oral arguments in Groff v. DeJoy, a case addressing an employer’s obligation to accommodate religious employees’ requests under federal law. The dispute involves a Christian postal worker who quit his job and sued the U.S. Postal Service after he was unable to find coverage for his Sunday shifts. Current law requires employers to make accommodations for workers’ religious requests only if doing so doesn’t impose more than a minimal cost on their business, known as the “de minimis” standard.
After listening to the oral arguments in the case, I believe it’s very likely the court will overturn the de minimis standard and require employers to accommodate more religious requests.