The Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey is a writer, educator and speaker who work focused deeply on racial justice movements and white anti-racism. Her most recent books include Dear White Christians: For Those Still Longing for Racial Reconciliation and Raising White Kids: Bringing Up Children in a Racially Unjust America. You can follow her @drjenharvey.
Posts By This Author
White Christians Must Confess Our Ecclesial Crisis
So now, here the church sits staring in the face of human rights violations being committed in our national name. Here we sit privy to the betrayal of anything we could possibly claim the gospel to be about — from the actual life story of Jesus and his dark-skinned, refugee family to the theological imperative to love one’s neighbor and stand with the most vulnerable. Here we sit bearing witness to breathtaking levels of racialized, religious violence being emboldened by this administration’s rhetoric and policies.