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Being a Church with Day Laborers
In June, a predominantly African-American Christian church took the innovative step of hosting a day laborers’ hiring site in one of its worship rooms.
Standing Up and Speaking Out
MLK said that "injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." New York Faith and Justice believes that poverty anywhere is a threat to God's shalom everywhere. Which is why when we were invited by the UN Millennium Campaign to host a local event in support of the Millennium Development Goals, we quickly accepted. The MDGs are some pretty decent things. When world leaders come together in a covenant-like promise to halve extreme global [...]
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Environmental Exorcism
Residents of East Houston's Manchester neighborhood were joined by hundreds of riders from the People's Freedom Caravan as they placed 300 white crosses, representing cancer victims in the communit
Goodness of Mercy
Pax Christi 'Returns to Roots'
Pax Christi International, the Brussels-based Catholic peace movement, elected a lay woman and an archbishop as co-presidents.
World Prison Population
More than 9.25 million people in the world are held in penal institutions, according to the 2007 edition of the World Prison Population List, produced by the International Centre for Prison Studies
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Faith and Values
Brownfields Forever
The United Church of Christ has been on the forefront of environmental justice since the 1980s, when it published Toxic Wastes and Race in the United States. That report revealed the disprop
Rising Green Tide Could Lift All Boats
Promoting "green industry" can foster an economy that benefits all Americans and is strong enough to lift people out of poverty, according to "Community Jobs in the Green Economy," a new report fro
Stopping Traffic
The new global anti-trafficking movement is expanding in Europe, where churches have joined a coalition to advocate for an end to human trafficking within European Union member states.
30-Year Sentence in Stang Killing
A Brazilian landowner known as the mastermind behind the murder of 73-year-old Catholic nun Dorothy Stang was sentenced in May to 30 years in prison.
That's Deep!
America's Four Views of God
American theists perceive God in four general ways, according to findings from the Baylor Religion Survey.
News Bites
Poor Diet. In April, Oregon Gov. Ted Kulongoski encouraged all Oregonians to take the "Food Stamp Challenge" by living on an average food stamp budget of $21 per person per week.
'Guest Worker' or Slave?
In the public debate over immigration reform, President Bush has been pushing a guest worker program that would allow immigrant workers to apply for temporary employment in certain sectors.