Kathy Manis Findley is an ordained Baptist minister with Greek Orthodox roots. Now retired in Macon, Ga., she spent her 38-year ministry serving as a pastor, hospital chaplain, trauma counselor, and Southern Baptist missionary to Uganda. She is a graduate of the University of Alabama and The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is certified in victimology, trauma intervention, and child forensic interviewing. In 2012, she received the FBI’s Community Leadership Award, presented in Washington, D.C., by then FBI Director Robert Mueller. She is the author of Voices of our Sisters and The Survivor’s Voice: Healing the Invisible Woulds of Violence and Abuse, and a Kindle novel, Emilie’s Journey: A Love Story from the Bayou. You can follow her inspirational blog, “God of the Sparrow,” at kalliopekathryne.com or her art blog, Kalliope’s Watercolors.
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Invisible Scars
My years of healing have taught me that childhood sexual abuse creates terrible trauma that is stored in our bodies, hiding in the nooks and crannies of a life struggling to be “normal” and free of pain. I learned those truths because I was a victim of sexual abuse in what I believed to be a safe place, my faith community.