Stephanie Pacheco is a convert to Catholicism and freelance writer living in Northern Virginia. She holds an MA in Theology from Christendom College. Her work has been published in America Magazine, Ethika Politika, Crisis Magazine and regularly on the Truth and Charity Forum of HLI. Stephanie blogs at and lives with her husband and two young children.

Posts By This Author

What Russian Martyrs Elizabeth and Barbara Teach Us About Christian Engagement with the State

by Stephanie Pacheco 07-05-2016

Image via BRJ INC./Flickr

In her life, St. Elizabeth went from being a princess to Russian nobility, to nun, to prisoner and martyr. Some roles were her choice — some were not. The state can be fickle. Yet all the while, Elizabeth never stopped using her gifts to contribute to society 

How to Love Beyond Group Loyalty

by Stephanie Pacheco 03-03-2016

St. Katharine Drexel. Image in the public domain in the United States.

We cannot control or shape the place of our birth. It gives us our bounds for understanding ourselves on this earth. It is difficult to grow beyond our background to include others who are different within the scope of our compassion. Most often we are inclined to feel loyalty only to people who are similar to us in critical regards.