Walid Mosarsaa is a Palestinian Quaker in Greensboro, N.C. He serves as the secretary of the board and senior program coordinator for Every Campus A Refuge. He holds a BS in business from Guilford College, an MA in religion from Earlham School of Religion, and is pursuing an MBA at Guilford College. Walid serves on the board of directors for the Nobel Peace Prize-winning American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and the IMPACT National Conference. In his spare time, Walid enjoys running, CrossFit, traveling, and being with friends.
Posts By This Author
What Does It Mean To Say ‘Jesus Is Palestinian’?
As a Palestinian Christian, I am proud to be a descendant of the world’s most ancient Christian community. My pride transcends the mere fact of belonging; it is rooted in the cultural legacy and global impact that our community has bestowed upon the world through nurturing and shaping Christianity from its earliest days until now. But this pride carries with it a solemn responsibility: I must be committed to preserving the integrity and values of this cultural and religious heritage, indigenous to my homeland, from being misappropriated to justify oppression, whether mine or someone else’s.