This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: December 1980

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Cover Story

Carrying on the work of the martyrs
Reflections from a Nicaragua journal
The witness of base communities


Adolfo Perez Esquivel on the power of active nonviolence
The recipient of the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize


Sojourners' masthead has recently displayed two changes involving names that have been familiar to our readers for a longtime.
The following song is part of a musical written by David McKeithen for the Sojourners Christmas eve service two years ago.
In a Guatemalan parish, four men were seized and hung up on a wall of the church. 
While many of us were distressed at the choices, or lack of them, facing us in our presidential election, another election held just four days before our own put at stake very real issues concerning the well-being of the poor and the distribution of the world's power and resources.


Written in the middle of the night to brothers and sisters of Quiche, one of Guatemala's most terrorized regions, and other places back home