The following song is part of a musical written by David McKeithen for the Sojourners Christmas eve service two years ago. We share it here as our Christmas gift to our readers and as a remembrance of the humble birth which we celebrate.
May joyous blessings be yours this season as once again we make room in our lives for the child-king to enter.--The Staff of Sojourners
Is there room in the inn for a child's life to begin?
Is there room in your heart for a suffering servant king?
Is there room in our lives to give you all honor and praise?
Well come in Jesus child, We want to make you some room.
Is there room in your home for the outcast family?
Is there room in your heart for the lonely one?
Is there room at your table for the hungry one?
Well, come in, Jesus Child.
We want to make you some room.
Is there room in this city for the lowly and the poor?
Is there room in this city for the homeless and their friends?
Is there room in this life for the broken little ones?
Well, come in, Jesus Child.
We want to make you some room.
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