This Month's Cover

Sojourners Magazine: December 1993

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Cover Story

Howard Thurman's enduring influence
Excerpt from With Head and Heart: The Autobiography of Howard Thurman
Comment on Howard Thurman by Vincent Harding
The hungry spirit of Howard Thurman


Jesus' death, resurrection, and the birth of the church.
Integrating Faith and Finance


On the pros and cons of talk radio
Since last August the National Lawyers Guild has maintained a Haiti Human Rights Support Project in that country.
The moral stakes of the Health Security Act are high
The American public is confused about NAFTA.
While Haiti seethes with the fire of democracy betrayed, the cry for justice remains unquenched.
Honoring the legacy of Howard Thurman 


An Advent reflection from Birmingham, Alabama. 
It was a frigid Christmas Eve in Washington, D.C.
Honoring the legacy of Ginny Earnest
A recipe for Fragrant Christmas Punch (organically farmed, of course)

Culture Watch

Harold Washington's vision for a new Chicago.
Reflections at the beginning of a new year of television
The power of women's relationships.


WE HAVE BEEN using the lectionary here at Koinonia for almost two years; I feel like it keeps us honest, challenging us to consider all of God's Word to us
Incarnating God's Word in community
Advent couldn't be more out of step with the doings of the dominant culture. 
AS AN ATTORNEY, I was very interested in the article about Murder Victims Families for Reconciliation ("Groundswell," by Brigitte Kerpsack, August 1993).
Communities come together at the Shalom Connections Conference
Evangelist Billy Graham told Religious News Service that he would like to be remembered as having been "faithful to the Lord until the very end." 
At any given time, there are hundreds of boycotts to choose from, most of them launched for good reasons and in support of good causes.
I WAS GLAD TO SEE "The Worst Nuclear Plants in the Country," in your September-October 1993 issue ("Between The Lines," by Jim Rice).
I ESPECIALLY APPRECIATED the April 1993 issue ("The Challenge of Nonviolence"), which arrived just before I started for a six-week stay in a Croatian refugee camp.
IN GENERAL I enjoyed Elizabeth Holler's article, "Beyond Skin-Deep Diversity" (July 1993). 
You wouldn't know it by watching CNN, but some of the most important things happening in Somalia these days are taking place far from the mean streets of Mogadishu.