I ESPECIALLY APPRECIATED the April 1993 issue ("The Challenge of Nonviolence"), which arrived just before I started for a six-week stay in a Croatian refugee camp. The challenge of nonviolence in Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer's contribution ("Wise as Serpents, Gentle as Doves?") was food for thought and encouragement. Daniel Berrigan's "A Chancy Encounter With an Angel" brought the dilemma to a point. Why are we who want to be peacemakers so weak? I took my copy of Sojourners with me to Croatia and shared it with people there.
It is often hard for me to keep faith in these dark times, not to despair when I see so much evil, hatred, and violence in my own country and in so many places of the world, especially in former Yugoslavia. So I am very grateful for Sojourners' inspiring and encouraging influence.
Rosemarie Krockenberger
Waiblingen, Germany
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